Guests Posts (and cats) in Review

I’m actually on vacation right now. I don’t usually like to announce such things while they’re happening, but we have wonderful friends staying in our house and hanging with our cats, so it’s not like the house is empty and vulnerable.

Anyway – the timing of vacation meant that the scheduled Guest Post didn’t make it all the way through to completion and scheduling, so I’m offering a quick digest of all the guest posts that have come before. As long as I’m looking back, I’ve included some throwback kitten pictures from the first few months that Malcolm and Zoe lived with us. I did promise cat pictures when I first started this blog…

Two kittens - one gray and white, one calico - flopping over the laps of two humans, in identical banana-shaped postures. The photo is taken from above, so you can't see anything of the humans except their legs, wearing jeans, and one forearm and hand.
We learned early that litter mates have some eerie similarities in behavior and posture that you don’t always see in kittens that have been raised together.

Kevin Mack on Cognitive Bandwidth, and Taking Breaks

Author Kevin Mack described a bit of his own writing process, which is totally different than mine, and how he intentionally gave himself a healthy break to replenish his creative energy and cognitive abilities.

Vanessa Ricci-Thode: Rest Like It’s Your Job

Author Vanessa Ricci-Thode shared her own history with learning to prioritize rest, and some photos of the beautiful garden that was the result.

CJ Hosack on Ideas in Process

Author CJ Hosack gave us a glimpse into her creative process, with the history of her debut novel, The Slayer’s Magic.

The same kittens as before, now on the floor, sniffing at a string of holiday lights.
Kittens’ first Christmas, complete with lights…
The same kittens as before, one of them sitting in a box in the foreground, and the other surrounded by packing paper in the background.
… and presents

e.c. landry on exploring a new form

Visual artist e.c. landry described her explorations of a new art form, and what happened when her focus shifted from outcome to process.

Quilter Lyn McCarty on Pursuing her Creative Spark

Writer and quilter Lyn McCarty told the full and unique story of how she brought new ways of thinking to a traditional art form.

Photo of Lyn's quilt.
Mia McCullough Describes a Writing Retreat

Playwright McMcCullough took her career-first writing retreat, and shared with us the methods she used to get the most out of it.

The same kittens as before, this time curled up on top of a closed laptop.
“Okay, Mama, that’s enough work now.”

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