Favorite Things for July

Every month, I’m going to give you a few things that have brought me joy in recent weeks. Maybe you’ll love them, too. Maybe they’ll inspire you to find other joyful things more suited to your tastes and temperament. And I’d love to hear from you — in the comments below or by email — what’s making YOU happy lately?

Thing 1: Airbags for Motorcyclists

I didn’t make a Favorite Things post in June, but this would have topped that list, and it’s still a highlight. Some really brilliant people have invented a variety of airbag products that you WEAR. They’re designed to inflate when you need them, and otherwise remain pretty unobtrusive. (Unobtrusive is relative for motorcyclists who believe in safety gear. They’re not like wearing tank tops and flip flops. But they’re NOT like walking around in a big bubble, either.)

I first heard about Airbag Vests a few years ago, and I thought they were pretty cool, and a great example of how technology can be used to improve our lives. Sure, they’re not cheap. But they’re a lot cheaper than the alternative. And let me tell you: my husband was wearing this vest when he was unexpectedly thrown from a motorcycle at the end of May. If you asked me, now, how much I would pay for this technology, I would triple that amount. If you’d asked me an hour after the crash, I would have deliriously given you my bank card and pin number.

Thing 2: This Kale Sauce Pasta recipe

My husband found this recipe a few years ago, and every time we make it, I’m surprised by how tasty it is. But there are some other benefits: a. There is SO MUCH KALE that goes into it, and it doesn’t feel at all like eating vegetables (so it’s great for people that otherwise avoid leafy green things). b. It’s bright green. Which is just kind of fun. We don’t even have kids at home, and the bright green brings a little joy.

(That’s a gift link, by the way. Because I love you, and I want you to be both healthy AND happy.)

Close up image of bright green kale leaves
Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash
Thing 3: Buffalo, New York’s, Tool Library

Okay, I haven’t actually VISITED the tool library. But I love the idea of it. It’s associated with a “Dare to Repair” program, and the two ideas combine to help keep things out of landfills, in two ways. First: they help you repair things instead of just throwing them out, and second, you can check out a tool you need, instead of buying one for yourself that you’re only going to use once.

Frankly, I really wish we had something like this where I live, and if you read that article, you’ll probably want one near you, too. And maybe you’ll know someone that can START one? Or maybe you’ll know someone that knows someone, and the more times we share that article, the more likely we are to inspire people to start more. Here’s hoping!

So – those are my three favorite things for July. What are yours?

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