Be Your Own Manager Blog Series

In February, I started a series of blog posts exploring the idea that artists act as their own managers, and that the more consciously you make management choices for yourself, the better off you’ll be. Here is the full listing of posts in that series:

Be Your Own (Self-) Manager for a Happier Life

If you’re lucky, you’ve had at least one job with a great manager. Someone who made you feel valued, respected your strengths, and helped you actually enjoy your job. If you’ve been this lucky, you know that you’re more likely to do your best work for this person, and that a great manager can bring any job up a couple steps on the ladder from miserable to satisfying.

February 27, 2024

Be Your Own Manager: Outfitting Yourself

One of the jobs of a manager is to make sure all their employees have the resources they need to get their work done. It’s important for you to do that for yourself, as well, even if it takes some creative problem solving.

March 12, 2024

Photo of a colorful collection of pens, sticky notes, and paper in an organizer.
Be Your Own Manager: Assume Good Intention

We all have negative and self-critical thoughts. One approach to responding to those is to think about ourselves as a good manager would.

April 9, 2024

A sleepy gray and white cat resting its head and looking at the camera.
Be Your Own Manager: How Much Work Is Enough?

A look at two practical tools for setting and examining your workload: the to-do list, and the have-done list.

May 14, 2024

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