The Importance of Personal Goals

Near the end of December, I wrote a bit about my philosophy about goals. At the time, I mentioned some of the artistic/professional goals I was pondering for 2024.  Today, I want to come back to that general topic through a different lens, because I’ve set some new personal goals between then and now. The […]

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Sometimes Life Intervenes

I had a different post scheduled for today. One that means a lot to me, so it’s been taking longer than usual to bring all the thoughts together. I hadn’t finished it by the end of last week, but was still hoping to power through it yesterday. Now, though, it’s going to have to wait.

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And a Happy New Year

For me, the New Year has never really seemed like the right time to set Big Goals (aka resolutions). As a kid who always loved school, the fresh start of an academic year was the more natural goal-setting time for me, and I brought that into my adulthood by using my October birthday as a

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Learning Creativity

In second grade, my teacher gave us “creativity exercises” to do in class. This was in the mid-1980s, and a quick internet search reveals that creativity exercises for kids have gotten WAY more interesting since then. Or, at least, they’ve gotten more interesting than the ones I remember. My teacher’s exercises relied heavily on black-and-white

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Writer Update, November 2023

Part of my own mental health toolkit is to spend a few minutes each month reflecting on what’s behind me and looking forward to what’s ahead. It’s a useful routine, because sometimes I miss things. From a “use of time” perspective, my biggest accomplishments in November were a) finishing the edits on my manuscript so

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