Laura, wearing a black sweater. She is leaning on a brick wall with an alley behind her.

My Story

I’m a bookkeeper and author, who grew up in the Midwest and now lives on the edge of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. My husband and I have two cats, and a shared propensity for taking off on ridiculous adventures.

I used to work as an executive in the non-profit arts industry. I still feel very strongly (and will tell you all about it, if you dare to ask) that we should all spend more of our time and energy appreciating and practicing the arts, and more of our money supporting them. Before that, I was a theatre director, stage manager, mediocre actor, and technical writer.

With a career (and life) path marked with so many twists and turns, I’ve forged a fundamental belief in the power of constant growth and renewal. Endurance is a superpower, but quitting can sometimes be the best thing you can do for yourself, and I think only you can decide which is the right choice for you.

I got my undergraduate degree from Lawrence University (which remains one of my top 5 happy places), and my MBA from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

What I’m Working On

As of October, 2023, I’m querying agents for a manuscript I’ve tentatively titled SANCTUARY FOUND. If you know me in real life, feel free to ask how that’s going, but if the answer is “I don’t know,” please let that be the end of the conversation. As soon as there’s any REAL news, I’ll shout it from the usual rooftops.

In the meantime, I have a couple of other projects in progress, including new ideas simmering, and old ideas being revisited. My blog is an attempt to explore some important life lessons about how to be a healthy human while also doing art.

 I’ve also been working on my short-story writing skills. I’m excited that my short story, Out of Context, has recently been published in, BURIED, an anthology by 30th Street Press.

If you’re looking for my bookkeeping business, that webpage is over here.

Two cats sitting on a bookshelf. One is looking at the photographer. The other is on the shelf above, and looking down at the first.
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