Guest Post: Kim Aippersbach on Nurturing her Creative Work

I often feel quite adversarial about my writing: the plot doesn’t cooperate; my characters aren’t interesting; my structure is running away from me and I’m chasing hopelessly after calling “inciting incident, come back here this instant!”

If I were, instead, to nurture my idea, feed it, be patient with it, sit still with it: what would that look like? How would that work? Is there a part of my process that is already nurturing, and can I build on that?

Guest Post: Kim Aippersbach on Nurturing her Creative Work Read More »

Close up image of bright green kale leaves

Favorite Things for July

Every month, I’m going to give you a few things that have brought me joy in recent weeks. Maybe you’ll love them, too. Maybe they’ll inspire you to find other joyful things more suited to your tastes and temperament. And I’d love to hear from you — in the comments below or by email —

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